Radiology Health Equity | Sept. 12, 2–3pm ET

Mapping Social Determinants and Cancer Disparities

Join us for an insightful webinar, "Mapping Social Determinants and Cancer Disparities," a new publicly available mapping tool designed to enhance data-driven initiatives for cancer equity. This tool identifies community factors associated with cancer disparities and features interactive maps that visually reveal correlations between cancer metrics and social determinants of health (SDOH) variables.

This webinar, by project leaders from the Harvey L. Neiman Health Policy Institute® and the Radiology Health Equity Coalition, will provide practical guidance on how to use the mapping tool for initiatives from research to policy change to community action.

Developed with guidance from nine experts in cancer prevention, treatment and health equity, the mapping tool leverages a comprehensive national, multilevel database aggregated by county. It includes data on breast, prostate, and lung cancer screening, and prevalence and mortality rates.

Each map in the tool overlays one cancer metric — screening, prevalence or mortality — with a county SDOH variable, stratified by national rank and displayed in a nine-color interactive choropleth heat map. The result is clear visualization of associations between cancer disparities and community factors like minority population rates, education, poverty, income, unemployment, air quality, environmental burden, air pollution and social vulnerability.

With 140 maps available, this mapping tool is powerful for understanding and addressing cancer disparities across different communities. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how the mapping tool can inform efforts to improve cancer equity!
