June 13, 2023 | Austin Convention Center, TX

2023 SIIM-ACR Data Science Summit

Quantifying the Value of AI: Investment, Costs, Reimbursement and Benefits
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Watch the 2023 SIIM-ACR Data Science Summit in Austin, Texas on that was recorded on June 13. This year's pre-event explored the economics of AI and the operational and regulatory responses to those changes. As AI continues to advance the field of radiology, understanding the financial, operational and values impact is imperative in harnessing the future. Scroll to learn more about our speakers.

Watch on demand June 20! In order to enjoy in the virtual event, you are required to log in to your acr.org account. Your account was created using the email address where you received your registration confirmation — you do not need to register for an account.

Please follow these three easy steps to activate your account:

  • Visit the password reset page and enter your email address ([email protected]).
  • Click the “Reset via Email” button. Your email address will become your username for your new ACR Login account.
  • You will receive an email from ACR® ([email protected]) containing the subject 'ACR Login Password Reset' with a link to reset your password. This link is only valid for two hours; however you may repeat these steps to request another password reset email as many times as needed.

Keynote Speaker

Richard Bruce, MD

Associate Professor of Radiology
Vice Chair of Informatics
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Dr. Bruce has devoted his efforts to the clinical integration of AI across the entire spectrum of clinical workflows. This includes AI-assisted clinical decision support for ordering medical imaging through integration of AI within imaging modalities for and extends through radiologist interpretive workflows to actionable results communication and follow up within the EHR. UW Radiology has a long legacy of informatics innovation through deep industrial partnerships. Dr. Bruce is involved in data and workflow integration across multiple partner systems. He has been actively involved in computing resource and network implementation since the mid-1990s and previously worked as an internetwork engineer for Cisco Systems. 
