Explore a New Approach to AI Implementation in Health Care
2019 Imaging Informatics Summit
October 5–6, 2019 | Washington, D.C.
Experience a hands-on, interactive event for artificial intelligence (AI) in health care. Join other radiology providers, practice leaders, vendors and policy makers as they explore new and innovative strategies for implementing AI in your practice.

New for 2019! Experience an on-site demonstration lab featuring the ACR® AI-LAB™ and learn about AI implementation during these sessions:
- Exploring Diverse Perspectives for Incorporating AI in Practice
- Overcoming Regulatory Hurdles to AI
- Enterprise Imaging and Managing the IT Supply Chain

Regina Barzilay, PhD
Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Member, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Bibb Allen Jr., MD, FACR ACR DSI Chief Medical Officer and Diagnostic Radiologist, Grandview Medical Center
J. Raymond Geis, MD, FACR ACR DSI Senior Scientist and Adjunct Associate Professor of Radiology, National Jewish Health, Denver
Melissa A. Davis, MD, MBA Section Chief, Emergency Radiology, Yale University
Tessa S. Cook, MD, PhD Assistant Professor of Radiology at the Hospital of the University of PA
Daniel Blezek, PhD Associate Consultant, Department of Radiology, Mayo Clinic
Keith J. Dreyer, DO, PhD, FACR ACR DSI Chief Science Officer and Chief Data Science Officer and Vice President for Enterprise Medical Imaging for Partners Healthcare
Daniel L. Rubin, MD, MS Professor of Biomedical Data Science, Radiology, and Medicine (Biomedical Informatics) and Director of Biomedical Informatics, Stanford Cancer Institute
Kim Garriott Principal Consultant-Healthcare Strategies, Logicalis U.S.
Amy Kotsenas, MD, FACR Council Steering Committee Liaison to the DSI | Associate Professor, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Brandon D. Gallas Research Physicist and Mathematician, FDA/CDRH Office of Science and Engineering Laboratories, Division of Imaging, Diagnostics, and Software Reliability
Christoph Wald, MD, PhD, MBA, FACR Chairman, Department of Radiology, Lahey Hospital & Medical Center, Professor of Radiology, Tufts University Medical School
Sylvia Devlin, MS, RT(R)(M)(QM), CIIP IT Manager, Radiology Clinical Operations & eRadiology Center, Johns Hopkins Medicine
Christopher J. Roth, MD, MMCI Associate Professor of Radiology, Vice Chair, Information Technology and Clinical Informatics and Director of Imaging Informatics Strategy, Duke Health
Judy Wawira Gichoya, MD, MS Assistant Professor of Interventional Radiology and Informatics at Emory University
Roseann Spitznagel Manager, Imaging Informatics Support Services, Cleveland Clinic
Juan C. Batlle, MD, MBA Chief of Thoracic Imaging, Baptist Health, Chief of Radiology, Doctors Hospital, Associate Professor, FIU College of Medicine, Course Director, ACR Cardiac MR Course
Wende N. Gibbs, MD Department of Radiology, Neuroradiology Division, Senior Associate Consultant, Mayo Clinic
Jonathan Shoemaker Administrative Director, Imaging Systems & Services, Stanford Health Care
Tarik K. Alkasab, MD, PhD IT/Informatics and Operations Officer, Director of Operations and IT, Emergency Radiology, Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Charlene Tomaselli, MBA Director, Medical Imaging Information Technology, Johns Hopkins Medicine

Ronald Reagan Building/International Trade Center
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue
NW Washington, D.C. 20004
Enter using Moynihan Plaza and take the elevator to Pavilion on the second floor
JW Marriott Washington, D.C.
1331 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20004
Rate: $259 plus 14.95% tax if room is booked by September 6, 2019
Please note that rooms at the discounted rate may be sold out prior to the cutoff date.
If you’re focusing on the role AI technology and data can play in improving patient care, you’ll find this event to be key to making progress in the year ahead.
Keith J. Dreyer, DO, PhD, FACR
ACR DSI Chief Science Officer and Chief Data Science Officer and Vice President for Enterprise Medical Imaging for Partners Healthcare